I finally finished the Nintendo I have been working on for 2 weeks. I was so rushed to finish it I didn't get a chance to get any decent pictures before I dropped it off at Argyle Fine Art, so here's some quick pictures I took of it at the gallery. The Nintendo comes with with 2 games: Duck Hunt and Mario 3 , has a controller and a gun that can be unplugged and switched around, and 2 interchangeable screens so that you can either "play" Mario or Duckhunt depending on your mood. The game slot opens so that you add or remove games. Unfortunately I haven't found the right combination of hitting reset or blowing on the game cartridges to get the games to advance!
Is this for sale?
Beautiful...just beautiful.
Matt: Yes it is for sale at Argyle Fine Art (http://www.argylefa.tk/)
That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen.
Beautiful, I was just mesmerized by it.
A question, have you already sold it? For how much?
I am not seeing in on the argyle site, has this been sold?
No its not been sold yet. I'll contact the gallery today to get them to put it on their website. You can contact the gallery at (902)425 9456 for more information.
This is badass. I hope you view it as open source, cos I would love my friend to make something in Homage to your great work. If not, please say so in response, and I'll honor it. Truly great piece of fine art and craftswork. Peace.
I had seen this when you initially posted it online(either here, or perhaps in a gaming community), but I was shocked when I walked by the Argyle gallery and saw it in the window! I had no idea you were a Haligonian.
Love it...your work is great! :)
Duck Hunt still looks great :)
Amazing !
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